Steps | Details |
Step 1 |
Visit Central Library Website.
Click on Patron Account from navbar menu on right-top corner.
Create account
- Click on create account.
- Each account should have unique email id and contact number. Remember this will be your primary contact details.
- Provide valid Email, Contact Number and strong Password of 8 character length.
- Type correctly captcha.
- Click on next button.
- An OTP will be sent to provided email and contact number. This step is very crucial.
- Type correctly OTP and click on next. Be careful while typing the OTP.
- On receiving the message 'Your account has created. Click here to log in', click the log in button and go to step 2.
- Click on login.
- Provide Id and Password correctly.
- Click on 'Yes! Let me in'.
Step 2 |
On first time login, your account will be blank. Thi is highly recommend that you should follow the steps clearly. Notification will show you to update profile data first.
Personnel details
- Click on Profile from left bar. Step wise form will appear. Please fill the form completely. Do not leave any step.
- Fill your personnel details and academic details correctly.
- Tick on validate input and then click submit data.
- Roll: Must put CIT Kokrajhar academic roll of length 11-12 digit for students/Employee number for CITK Staff/ID proof for Intern, JRF, Guest member and other category.
- Admission type: B.Tech/B.Design students must provide Direct(direct entry)/Lateral(vertical/lateral entry). For others this option will not appear.
- Date of admission: CITK Staff must provide joining date, Intern/JRF/Guest member should provide membership applying date.
- Organisation: Guest member/intern should mention their organisation and for others it would be default.
Communication details
- Put your communication and permanent address correctly.
- Secondary contact number(parents) should be provide as contact 2.
- Tick on validate input and then click submit data.
Step 3 |
Documents upload
- Passport photo upload: Each user has to upload standard passport photograph only. Failing which will lead to hold of the application. Maximum size of the photograph must be less than 100kb and in .jpf format.
- Documents upload: For students and PhD scholar must upload admission payment receipt/admission receipt from CIT clearly mentioning your name/academic roll number. CITK Staff and JRF must upload appoinment letter/and proof from CIT Kokrajhar. Intern and Guest Member must upload ID proof (uploaded document number should match with the ID uploaded in step 2). Maximum size of the photograph must be less than 200kb and in .jpf/.pdf format.
- For Guest Member, user should choose a referee from CIT Kokrajhar, few details he/she has to upload here. Later Library will verify the referee details and accept the form.
- Tick the agreement and submit the form. Your profile data will be updated.
Step 4 |
Apply for ID card
- After successful update of profile data, ID card option will appear in left bar.
- Click on ID card option, details will automatically drag from your previous input. If your need to change any details, update your profile data then apply for card.
- Click on submit button. Window will show you(an email also be sent to you) with a reference number against each time you apply for Id card. Keep the number safely. This will help you to track status of your card application.
- To check Card status, click on Application status and put the reference number correctly.
How to register for e-library account?