Details About Library

About Central Library, CIT Kokrajhar

                The Central Library of CIT spread over 22,000 sq. feet area with independent building. The library is the liveliest place in the campus providing a safe, comfortable and friendly environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge, and promotes discovery and scholarship. The mission of the Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources and providing for value added services. At present, the library has a collection of more than 137754 Physical books and 174569 subscribed e-Resources like E-Books, E-Journals,E-magazines CDs, standards, proceedings, videos and E-Magazines. It also subscribes important daily newspapers and 3024 magazines. Library has ebook collection from Springer, Taylor & Francis, GALE E-library, Pearson, IET(both ebooks & videos), SAGE, WILEY for accessing. It also delivers a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

                The library is fully automated using RFID technology with the help of SOUL 3.0 software developed by the INFLIBNET center Ahmedabad. It is the first library in Assam and one of the few libraries in North East India fully automated using RFID technology enabling self-issue and return facility and dual anti-theft gate security system. The library is also equipped with 49 CCTV cameras surveillance system in both floors. It has successfully launched dedicated Web OPAC with separate server. Central library also provides power backup with 60 KV UPS for digitised system. Users can search its holdings from anywhere anytime. After launching Web OPAC, the library has become the one of the few libraries in NE India providing such facilities. The library is dedicated to serve the users with highest degree of professionalism and upgrades with the technological advancement frequently. The library provides separate conference room for conducting meetings & institutional discussion, separate teacher study room, digital library facility with latest computers for the users. 260 users can sit and study at a time excluding teachers reading facility and digital library section.

                Innovative services like “Library on Demand” where problems of the users are solved through telephone and Campus Delivery System of the reading materials has been introduced which has received tremendous support from all sections. Community Outreach programme are being conducted through our Career Counselling Cell of the Library. Central Library Conducted ICTL 2017(International Conference on Transforming Library 2017) on July 2017 and Author Workshop on November 2017

                 Central Library is also a member of ShodhGanga ShodhShuddhi Vidwan NDLI

                 Central Library uses two plagiarism tool Tutnitin (Purchased) and Drillbit (under ShodhShuddhi) for its academic integrity

Library capacity and Infrastructure

  • Library is situated on 22,000 sq. fet land and having Ground plus 1 independent building.

  • Coordinate of Central Library is 26°28'45.2"N 90°18'08.3"E.

  • It contains of Digital Library (02) with capacity 40 for members with high speed internet facility for accessing the eResources over internet, Magazine section, 260 seat capacity for reading, 44 comfortable seat for reading, conference hall, Technical section, cafeteria inside the library.

  • The Library is fully equipped with Centrally Air condition System and CCTV Surveillance System.

  • Currently Library is having more than 137754 books including fields like Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, English, Bodo, Assamese, Communication Skills, Library & Information Science, Sociology, Economics, etc.

  • Library has more than 3245 magazines, Major Daily newspapers, 3511 CD/DVDs and 11766 eBooks.